Conference Details

We've designed a dynamic agenda focused on the desired outcomes below. We've planned field trips, interactive learning experiences, and plenty of time to get to know others in the network. To view the full agenda as a PDF, click here.
  • Connected: Participants deepen their existing relationships and develop new relationship with other Sustainability Directors across the Southeast. As a result of enhanced trust and camaraderie, all of participants, including new members, can rely on their colleagues for advice, information, and support. Sustainability Directors engage in collaborative projects of mutual benefit.
  • Recharged: Participants leave the meeting refreshed and energized to proceed with their work back in their home communities. The meeting is fun and interactive with a pace that allows participants to easily absorb new information and make new connections. 
  • Enriched: Participants gain new knowledge, ideas, perspective, and skills that they can apply in their home communities. 
  • Inspired: Participants come back home with new ideas to help them start new projects or move forward projects that were in the hopper.
  • Activated:  Participants understand the value of SSDN and are clear about the ways that they can contribute to the overall success of the network and make an explicit commitment to contribute to the network. 
SSDN is offering this networking and learning opportunity to you at no cost. We have secured funding from national and Chattanooga-based foundations to cover most of the costs of the meeting.  If some of you are able to cover your travel and lodging (or pay a “registration fee” of $250), we will have sufficient funding to cover all expenses. You will be asked more about what costs you can cover in the registration survey.

We look forward to seeing you in Chattanooga!

The SSDN Steering Committee
Heather Adcox, Chattanooga, TN
Tobin Fried, Durham, NC
Patricia Gomez, Miami-Dade County, FL
Jon Ippel, Orlando, FL
David Jones, Orange County, FL
Rob Phocas, Charlotte, NC
Susanna Sutherland, Knoxville, TN
Maggie Ullman, Asheville, NC